Mitchell A. Orenstein and Bojan Bugaric. The Eastern European Spring: Voters Tilt Toward Pro-EU, Anti-Corruption Candidates. Foreign Affairs, December 8, 2014.

Mitchell A. Orenstein. Forthcoming. Pensions: Who’s Learning from Whom? In Daniel Kelemen, ed., Lessons from Europe. Washington, DC: CQ Press.

Mitchell Orenstein. The Dutch Disaster. Foreign Affairs, July 22, 2014.

Mitchell Orenstein. Putin’s Western Allies: Why Europe’s Far Right Is on the Kremlin’s Side. Foreign Affairs, March 25, 2014.

Mitchell Orenstein. Will the IMF Lose Ukraine. Project Syndicate, March 11, 2014.

Mitchell Orenstein. Poland: From Tragedy to Triumph. Foreign Affairs, January/February 2014.

Mitchell A. Orenstein. 2013. Recovering from Transition in Eastern Europe: Neoliberal Reform in Retrospect. In Stephen White, Paul G. Lewis & Judy Batt, eds., Developments in Central & East European Politics. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Daniel Béland and Mitchell Orenstein. International Organizations as Policy Actors: An Ideational Approach. Global Social Policy August 2013 vol. 13 no. 2 125-143.

Mitchell A. Orenstein. Pension Privatization: Evolution of a Paradigm. Governance Volume 26, Issue 2, pages 259–281, April 2013.

Hilary Appel and Mitchell Orenstein. Ideas versus Resources: Explaining the Flat Tax and Pension Privatization Revolutions in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Comparative Political Studies February 2013 vol. 46 no. 2 123-152.

David R. Cameron and Mitchell A. Orenstein. Post-Soviet Authoritarianism: The Influence of Russia in its ‘Near Abroad.’ Post-Soviet Affairs 28:1 2012. (January-March).

Mitchell A. Orenstein. Pension Privatization in Crisis: Death or Rebirth of a Global Policy Trend? International Social Security Review 64:3 (July 2011).
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Mitchell A. Orenstein. Three Models of Contemporary Capitalism. In Nancy Birdsall and Francis Fukuyama, eds., New Ideas on Development after the Financial Crisis. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press (2011).

David R. Cameron and Mitchell A. Orenstein. Russia’s Influence on Democratization in Post-Communist Europe and Eurasia. Social Science Research Network. (July-August 2010).

Mitchell A. Orenstein. What Happened in East European (Political) Economies? A Balance Sheet for Neoliberal Reform. East European Politics and Societies 23:4, 479-90 (Fall 2009).

Katya Kalandadze and Mitchell A. Orenstein. Electoral Protests and Democratization – Beyond the Color Revolutions. Comparative Political Studies, Volume 42, Number 11 (November 2009).

Mitchell A. Orenstein, Stephen Bloom, Nicole Lindstrom. A Fourth Dimension of Transition. University of Pittsburgh Press (2008).

Mitchell A. Orenstein, Postcommunist Welfare States. Journal of Democracy, Volume 19, Number 4 (October 2008).

Mitchell A. Orenstein. Out-Liberalizing the EU: Pension Privatization in Central and Eastern Europe. Journal of European Public Policy Volume 15, Issue 6 pages 899 – 917 (September 2008).

Mitchell A. Orenstein. New Pension Reforms as Global Policy. Global Social Policy 5:2 (August 2005).[proof]

Mitchell A. Orenstein. Mapping the Diffusion of Pension Innovation. In Pension Reform in Europe: Process and Progress, Robert Holzmann, Mitchell A. Orenstein, and Michal Rutkowski, eds. Washington, DC: The World Bank (2003).

Mitchell A. Orenstein. How Politics and Institutions Affect Pension Reform in Three Postcommunist Countries. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 2310 (March 2000).

Mitchell A. Orenstein. Lawlessness From Above and Below: Economic Radicalism and Political Institutions. SAIS Review 18:1 (Winter-Spring 1998).

Mitchell A. Orenstein. A Genealogy of Communist Successor Parties in East Central Europe and the Determinants of their Success. East European Politics and Societies 12:3 (Fall 1998).

Mitchell A. Orenstein. Vaclav Klaus: Revolutionary and Parliamentarian. East European Constitutional Review 7:1 (Winter 1998).

Mitchell A. Orenstein. Transitional Social Policy in the Czech Republic and Poland. Czech Sociological Review 3:2 (1995).

Mitchell Orenstein. The Czech Tripartite Council and Its Contribution to Social Peace. Družboslovne razprave Letn. 10, št. 17/18 (1994), str. 192-209.

Karla Brom and Mitchell Orenstein. The Privatised Sector in the Czech Republic: Government and Bank Control in a Transitional Economy. Europe-Asia Studies 46:6 (1994).